import json import os from pathlib import Path from PyInquirer import prompt from AbstractModule import AbstractModule def get_vim_root(): # return Path().home().joinpath(".vim") return Path(os.getcwd()).joinpath("devenv", ".vim") class VimModule(AbstractModule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.json_config = {} with open("modules/vim/vimrc_conf.json") as plugins: self.json_config = json.load(plugins) def create_folder_structure(self): # Create necessary folder structure for vim os.makedirs(str(get_vim_root().joinpath("autoload")), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(str(get_vim_root().joinpath("plugged")), exist_ok=True) def create_plugin_section(self): vimrc_content = [] mapped_list = [] plugins = self.json_config['plugins'] for choice in plugins.keys(): mapped_list.append({ "name": choice }) print("Available Plugins:") module_selection = [ { 'type': 'checkbox', 'message': 'Select plugins', 'name': 'modules', 'choices': mapped_list } ] selected_plugins = prompt(module_selection)['modules'] print("\033[4mYour selection:\033[0m") [print(x) for x in selected_plugins] try: index = vimrc_content.index("call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')\n") + 1 for plugin in selected_plugins: vimrc_content.insert(index, plugins[plugin] + "\n") except ValueError: vimrc_content.append("call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')\n") for element in selected_plugins: vimrc_content.append(plugins[element] + "\n") vimrc_content.append("call plug#end()\n") # TODO: check if existing plugin manager file # TODO: else download plugin manager return vimrc_content def create_setting_section(self): vimrc_content = [] settings = self.json_config['settings'] default_settings = list(settings.values()) print("\n\033[4mDefault settings:\033[0m") [print(i) for i in default_settings] default_settings.reverse() for setting in default_settings: vimrc_content.insert(0, setting + "\n") return vimrc_content def get_vimfile_working_copy(self): vimrc_path = str(get_vim_root().joinpath(".vimrc")) try: with open(vimrc_path, "r") as vimrc_file: vimrc_content = vimrc_file.readlines() except FileNotFoundError: vimrc_content = [] return vimrc_content def write_vimfile(self, vimrc_content): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add vimrc_content = [x1 for x1 in vimrc_content if not (x1 in seen or seen_add(x1))] vimrc_path = str(get_vim_root().joinpath(".vimrc")) with open(vimrc_path, "w") as vimrc_file: for line in vimrc_content: vimrc_file.write(line) def run(self): self.create_folder_structure() plugin_section = self.create_plugin_section() settings_section = self.create_setting_section() self.write_vimfile(settings_section + plugin_section)