from AbstractModule import AbstractModule from subprocess import call from PyInquirer import prompt import os import shutil class VimModule(AbstractModule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.plugins = { "Colorschemes": "Plug ''", "Unix Operations": "Plug ''", "Emmet": "Plug ''", "Meta5 Theme": "Plug ''", "Nerdtree": "Plug ''", "Lightline": "Plug ''" } def do_module_selection(self): mapped_list = [] for choice in self.plugins.keys(): mapped_list.append({ "name": choice }) print("Available Plugins:") module_selection = [ { 'type': 'checkbox', 'message': 'Select plugins', 'name': 'modules', 'choices': mapped_list } ] return prompt(module_selection) def run(self): selected_modules = self.do_module_selection()['modules'] # print out selected plugins [print(x) for x in selected_modules] # Create vimrc file vimrc_exists = os.path.isfile("testfile") if vimrc_exists: temp_file = open('temp', 'w') with open("testfile", "r") as vimrc_out_file: for line in vimrc_out_file: if line.startswith("call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')"): for element in selected_modules: line = line.strip() + "\n" + self.plugins[element] + "\n" temp_file.write(line) temp_file.close() shutil.move('temp', 'testfile') # Merge duplicates to first ocassion with awk sorted_file = "awk -i inplace ' !x[$0]++' ~/Gitlab/linux-tools/testfile" call(sorted_file, shell=True) else: with open("testfile", "w+") as vimrc_file: vimrc_file.write("\n" + "call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')\n") for element in selected_modules: vimrc_file.write(self.plugins[element] + "\n") vimrc_file.write("call plug#end()\n") vimdir_exists = os.path.isdir("/home/clay/Gitlab/linux-tools/testdirectory/") autoloaddir_exists = os.path.isdir("/home/clay/Gitlab/linux-tools/testdirectory/autoload/") # Create necessary folder structure for Plugin Manager if autoloaddir_exists == False: if vimdir_exists: install_vimplug = "cd ~/Gitlab/linux-tools/testdirectory/ && mkdir autoload && cd autoload && touch test.txt" call(install_vimplug, shell=True) else: make_vimdir = """cd ~/Gitlab/linux-tools/ && mkdir testdirectory && cd testdirectory && mkdir autoload && cd autoload && touch test.txt""" call(make_vimdir, shell=True) else: print("Vim-Plug already installed!")