from IModule import IModule from subprocess import call import os import shutil class VimModule(IModule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def get_command(self): plugins = [ ("1. Colorschemes", "Plug ''"), ("2. Unix Operations", "Plug ''"), ("3. Emmet", "Plug ''"), ("4. Meta5 Theme", "Plug ''"), ("5. Nerdtree", "Plug ''"), ("6. Lightline", "Plug ''") ] print("Available Plugins:\n") for key in plugins: print(key[0]) print("") # Select Plugins user_input = [int(userInput) for userInput in input("Select modules: ").split()] clean_plugin_list = set(user_input) # print out selected plugins for element in clean_plugin_list: selection = element - 1 try: print(plugins[selection][0]) except Exception: print("Fail") # Create vimrc file vimrc_exists = os.path.isfile("testfile") if vimrc_exists: with open("testfile", "r") as vimrc_in_file: buf = vimrc_in_file.readlines() with open("testfile", "w") as vimrc_out_file: for line in buf: if line == "call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')\n": line = line + plugins[selection][1] + "\n" vimrc_out_file.write(line) else: vimrc_file = open("testfile", "w+") vimrc_file.write("\n" + "call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')\n") for element in clean_plugin_list: selection = element -1 vimrc_file.write(plugins[selection][1] + "\n") vimrc_file.write("call plug#end()\n") vimrc_file.close()