import subprocess from typing import List from PyInquirer import prompt from print_helpers import print_bold, print_warn, print_gr def run_shell_command(cmd: List[str]) -> str: return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("UTF-8").strip() def create_resize_persistent_swap(): create_resize_swap() make_swap_persistent() def get_swap_location(): output_swaps = run_shell_command(["cat", "/proc/swaps"]) try: swap_location = output_swaps.split()[5] print_bold(f"Swap is located here: {swap_location}") return swap_location except IndexError: print_warn("Swap file doesn´t exist!") return None def get_swap_size(): swap_size = run_shell_command(['swapon', '--show']) try: swap_size = swap_size.split()[7] print_gr(f"Swap is {swap_size}b big!") except IndexError: print_warn("Swap file doesn´t exist!") def create_resize_swap(): output_swapon = run_shell_command(['swapon', '--show']) if output_swapon is not "": swap_size = output_swapon.split()[7] print("") print_bold("Swap already installed! You can resize it!") print_bold(f"Curr. swap size: {swap_size}b") resize = input("How big should your swap become (numbers in Gigabyte)? ") resize_swapfile = "swapoff /swapfile && " + \ f"fallocate -l {resize}G /swapfile && " + \ "mkswap /swapfile && " + \ "swapon /swapfile", shell=True) output_free = run_shell_command(["free", "-h"]) print_gr(output_free) else: size = input("How big should the swap be (numbers in Gigabyte)? ") create_swapfile = f"fallocate -l {size}G /swapfile && " + \ "chmod 600 /swapfile && " + \ "mkswap /swapfile && " + \ "swapon /swapfile", shell=True) output_free = run_shell_command(["free", "-h"]) print_gr(output_free) def make_swap_persistent(): swap_location = get_swap_location() if swap_location is None: print_warn("Swap file doesn't exist!") return backup_fstab = "cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak" enable_persistence = f"echo '{swap_location} none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab" if fstab_entry_exists(): print_warn("Swap is already persistent!") else:, shell=True), shell=True) print_gr("Swap is now persistent!") def show_swapiness(): print_gr(run_shell_command(["cat", "/proc/sys/vm/swappiness"])) def adjust_swapiness_temp(): options = { "Light": 25, "Default": 60, "Aggressive": 100 } menu = [ { 'type': 'list', 'message': 'Select action', 'name': 'action', 'choices': list(map(lambda x: {"name": x}, options.keys())) } ] selected_swapiness = prompt(menu)['action'] adjust = "sysctl vm.swappiness=" + str(options[selected_swapiness]), shell=True) print_gr("Temporary swapiness is " + str(options[selected_swapiness])) def delete_swap(): swap_location = get_swap_location() if swap_location is None: return disable_swapfile = f"swapoff {swap_location} && " + \ f"rm {swap_location}" if fstab_entry_exists(): with open("/etc/fstab", "r") as fstab_out: content = fstab_out.readlines() with open("/etc/fstab", "w") as fstab_in: content = content[:-1] for line in content: fstab_in.write(line) else: print_warn("No entry in /etc/fstab!"), shell=True) output_swapon = run_shell_command(['swapon', '--show']) output_free = run_shell_command(["free", "-h"]) if not output_swapon: print_gr("Swap deleted!") print_gr(output_free) def fstab_entry_exists(): swap_location = get_swap_location() fstab_entry = f"{swap_location} none swap sw 0 0\n" with open("/etc/fstab", "r") as fstab_file: line = fstab_file.readlines()[-1] if line != fstab_entry: print_warn("No entry in /etc/fstab") return False else: print_gr(f"fstab entry: {line.strip()}") return True def run(): actions = { "Create/Resize temp. swap": create_resize_swap, "Create/Resize persistent swap": create_resize_persistent_swap, "Delete swap": delete_swap, "Make temp. swap persistent": make_swap_persistent, "Get swap location": get_swap_location, "Get swap size": get_swap_size, "Show swapiness": show_swapiness, "Adjust temp. swapiness": adjust_swapiness_temp, "Check fstab for entry": fstab_entry_exists, } menu = [ { 'type': 'list', 'message': 'Select action', 'name': 'action', 'choices': list(map(lambda x: {"name": x}, actions.keys())) } ] selected_action = prompt(menu)['action'] actions[selected_action]() functions = run