Pull TwoPlayerMapGenerator in as MapFactory
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
9EEDE02D246FCD770096C735 /* SpinningLogoEntity.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9EEDE02C246FCD770096C735 /* SpinningLogoEntity.swift */; };
9EEDE02F246FCD800096C735 /* SpinningLogoComponent.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9EEDE02E246FCD800096C735 /* SpinningLogoComponent.swift */; };
AB0B88F6247AD89200C8DF66 /* SkillComponent.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AB0B88F5247AD89200C8DF66 /* SkillComponent.swift */; };
AB1D75A0245DEC0500671525 /* MapFactory.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AB1D759F245DEC0500671525 /* MapFactory.swift */; };
AB21D7D5246C748A00B09CBA /* TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AB21D7D4246C748A00B09CBA /* TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift */; };
AB21D7D5246C748A00B09CBA /* MapFactory.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AB21D7D4246C748A00B09CBA /* MapFactory.swift */; };
ABA03DA0244BD54F00A66916 /* Base.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ABA03D9F244BD54F00A66916 /* Base.swift */; };
ABC0C3732481509300387B8F /* MapUtils.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ABC0C3722481509300387B8F /* MapUtils.swift */; };
C04783EE2468583F004961FB /* intro-music.mp3 in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C04783ED2468583F004961FB /* intro-music.mp3 */; };
C04783F024685995004961FB /* SettingsScene.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C04783EF24685995004961FB /* SettingsScene.swift */; };
C05BB9C4247D890C00411249 /* SliderComponent.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C05BB9C3247D890C00411249 /* SliderComponent.swift */; };
@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
9EEDE02C246FCD770096C735 /* SpinningLogoEntity.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SpinningLogoEntity.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9EEDE02E246FCD800096C735 /* SpinningLogoComponent.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SpinningLogoComponent.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AB0B88F5247AD89200C8DF66 /* SkillComponent.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SkillComponent.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AB1D759F245DEC0500671525 /* MapFactory.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MapFactory.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AB21D7D4246C748A00B09CBA /* TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AB21D7D4246C748A00B09CBA /* MapFactory.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MapFactory.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
ABA03D9F244BD54F00A66916 /* Base.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Base.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
ABC0C3722481509300387B8F /* MapUtils.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = MapUtils.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C04783ED2468583F004961FB /* intro-music.mp3 */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = audio.mp3; path = "intro-music.mp3"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C04783EF24685995004961FB /* SettingsScene.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SettingsScene.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
C05BB9C3247D890C00411249 /* SliderComponent.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SliderComponent.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -283,8 +283,8 @@
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
3E67853F24728368007B9DE4 /* CElements.swift */,
AB1D759F245DEC0500671525 /* MapFactory.swift */,
AB21D7D4246C748A00B09CBA /* TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift */,
AB21D7D4246C748A00B09CBA /* MapFactory.swift */,
ABC0C3722481509300387B8F /* MapUtils.swift */,
path = Map;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -411,17 +411,17 @@
9E174C86245DD91500209FF0 /* ButtonComponent.swift in Sources */,
11036113244B3E30008610AF /* MenuScene.swift in Sources */,
C099579C246C5E5C0016AA22 /* DataService.swift in Sources */,
AB21D7D5246C748A00B09CBA /* TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift in Sources */,
AB21D7D5246C748A00B09CBA /* MapFactory.swift in Sources */,
9EA3ABE9245C6DAA006BC61D /* DefaultBaseComponent.swift in Sources */,
9E174C8A245E1A0A00209FF0 /* Background.swift in Sources */,
8BB6FF402472B8F000162BBD /* SingeClickButtonNode.swift in Sources */,
AB0B88F6247AD89200C8DF66 /* SkillComponent.swift in Sources */,
C064E9A8246C0EA50022B228 /* LabelNode.swift in Sources */,
3F745DF0246F48FC00CE7375 /* PlayerMoveType.swift in Sources */,
AB1D75A0245DEC0500671525 /* MapFactory.swift in Sources */,
3E67854024728368007B9DE4 /* CElements.swift in Sources */,
ABA03DA0244BD54F00A66916 /* Base.swift in Sources */,
C064E9AC246C151F0022B228 /* Label.swift in Sources */,
ABC0C3732481509300387B8F /* MapUtils.swift in Sources */,
9E174C82245DD81D00209FF0 /* ButtonNode.swift in Sources */,
9EC7E48B2461FBF700396BCD /* SliderNode.swift in Sources */,
9EEDE02F246FCD800096C735 /* SpinningLogoComponent.swift in Sources */,
@ -67,6 +67,6 @@ class DataService {
func setMapModel(model: MapGenerationModel) {
self.mapModel = model
MapFactory(scene: entityManager.scene, entityManager: entityManager).loadMap(fromModel: DataService.sharedInstance.mapModel!)
MapFactory(scene: entityManager.scene, entityManager: entityManager).load(fromModel: DataService.sharedInstance.mapModel!)
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ final class GameCenterManager: NSObject, GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate ,GKM
func initAndSendMap() -> Void {
self.gameScene = GameScene(size: self.menusc!.size)
let mapModel = MapFactory(scene: self.gameScene!, entityManager: entityManager).loadMap()
let mapModel = MapFactory(scene: self.gameScene!, entityManager: entityManager).load()
os_log("Map wurde erstellt", log: LOG, type: .info)
MultiplayerNetwork.sharedInstance.sendMapModelToPlayers(mapModel: mapModel)
os_log("Map wurde an Peer gesendet", log: LOG, type: .info)
@ -1,80 +1,262 @@
// MapFactory.swift
// TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift
// GoldWars
// Created by Marcel Schwarz on 02.05.20.
// Created by Marcel Schwarz on 13.05.20.
// Copyright © 2020 SP2. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SpriteKit
import GameKit
import os
protocol CenterElementProtocol {
var bases: [Base] {get set}
var ways: [Way] {get set}
var id: Int { get }
init(frame: CGRect)
func getAllBases() -> [Base]
func getInternalWays() -> [Way]
func getTopConnection() -> Base?
func getRightConnection() -> Base?
func getBottomConnection() -> Base?
func getLeftConnection() -> Base?
class MapFactory {
let LOG = OSLog.init(subsystem: "MapGenerator", category: "MapFactory")
var twoPlayerMapGenerator: TwoPlayerMapGenerator
let LOG = OSLog.init(subsystem: "MapGenerator", category: "TwoPlayerMapGenerator")
init(scene: SKScene, entityManager: EntityManager) {
self.twoPlayerMapGenerator = TwoPlayerMapGenerator(scene: scene, entityManager: entityManager)
var size: CGSize!
var entityManager: EntityManager!
static func getNewMapModel() -> MapGenerationModel {
let noOfCElements = CenterElementProvider.centerElements.count - 1
return MapGenerationModel(
numBasesP1: Int.random(in: 1...3),
numBasesP2: Int.random(in: 1...3),
topLeftId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements),
topRightId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements),
bottomLeftId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements),
bottomRightId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements)
func loadMap() -> MapGenerationModel {
let mapModel = TwoPlayerMapGenerator.getNewMapModel()
loadMap(fromModel: mapModel)
required init(scene: SKScene, entityManager: EntityManager) {
self.size = scene.size
self.entityManager = entityManager
func load() -> MapGenerationModel {
let mapModel = MapFactory.getNewMapModel()
load(fromModel: mapModel)
return mapModel
func loadMap(fromModel model: MapGenerationModel) {
os_log("Loading two player map", log: LOG, type: .info)
twoPlayerMapGenerator.load(withModel: model)
class CenterElementProvider {
static let LOG = OSLog.init(subsystem: "MapGenerator", category: "CenterElementProvider")
static let centerElements: [CenterElementProtocol.Type] = [
static func get(inFrame frame: CGRect, withId id: Int) -> CenterElementProtocol {
os_log("Getting new predifined center element from provider", log: LOG, type: .info)
func load(fromModel mapModel: MapGenerationModel) {
os_log("Loading from TwoPlayerMapFactory", log: LOG, type: .info)
return centerElements[id].init(frame: frame)
// Generate bases structure
os_log("Get player one base", log: LOG, type: .info)
let basePlayerOne = Base(
position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.07, y: self.size.height / 2),
player: (GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.isServer) ? GKLocalPlayer.local : GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.myMatch?.players[0],
team: .team1
os_log("Get player one's startbases", log: LOG, type: .info)
var p1StartBases = [String: Base]()
var ways = [Way]()
if (mapModel.numBasesP1 == 1) {
p1StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!))
} else if (mapModel.numBasesP1 == 2) {
p1StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.333))
p1StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.666))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["bot"]!))
} else {
p1StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.25))
p1StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
p1StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.75))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["bot"]!))
os_log("Generate Map center", log: LOG, type: .info)
let gridCellWidth = self.size.width * 0.2
let gridCellHeight = self.size.height * 0.4
let cellInsetX = CGFloat(self.size.width * 0.05)
let cellInsetY = CGFloat(self.size.height * 0.07)
let gridTopLeft = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.3,
y: self.size.height * 0.1,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let gridTopRight = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.5,
y: self.size.height * 0.1,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let gridBottomLeft = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.3,
y: self.size.height * 0.5,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let gridBottomRight = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.5,
y: self.size.height * 0.5,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let topLeft = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridTopLeft, withId: mapModel.topLeftId)
let topRight = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridTopRight, withId: mapModel.topRightId)
let bottomLeft = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridBottomLeft, withId: mapModel.bottomLeftId)
let bottomRight = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridBottomRight, withId: mapModel.bottomRightId)
ways.append(contentsOf: topLeft.getInternalWays())
ways.append(contentsOf: topRight.getInternalWays())
ways.append(contentsOf: bottomLeft.getInternalWays())
ways.append(contentsOf: bottomRight.getInternalWays())
os_log("Get player two base", log: LOG, type: .info)
let basePlayerTwo = Base(
position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.93, y: self.size.height / 2),
player: (!GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.isServer) ? GKLocalPlayer.local : GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.myMatch?.players[0],
team: .team2
os_log("Get player two's startbases", log: LOG, type: .info)
var p2StartBases = [String: Base]()
if (mapModel.numBasesP2 == 1) {
p2StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!))
} else if (mapModel.numBasesP2 == 2) {
p2StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.333))
p2StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.666))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["bot"]!))
} else {
p2StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.25))
p2StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
p2StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.75))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["bot"]!))
// Create adjacency mapping
os_log("Connecting base p1 and start bases", log: LOG, type: .info)
basePlayerOne.adjacencyList.append(contentsOf: p1StartBases.values)
p1StartBases.values.forEach({base in base.adjacencyList.append(basePlayerOne)})
if (p1StartBases["top"] != nil && topLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase top with topLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["top"]!, toBase: topLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (p1StartBases["mid"] != nil) {
if (topLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase mid with topLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!, toBase: topLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (bottomLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase mid with bottomLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!, toBase: bottomLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (p1StartBases["bot"] != nil && bottomLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase bot with bottomLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["bot"]!, toBase: bottomLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (topLeft.getRightConnection() != nil && topRight.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting topLeft with topRight segment horizontally", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topLeft.getRightConnection()!, toBase: topRight.getLeftConnection()!))
if (bottomLeft.getRightConnection() != nil && bottomRight.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting bottomLeft with bottomRight segment horizontally", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: bottomLeft.getRightConnection()!, toBase: bottomRight.getLeftConnection()!))
if (topLeft.getBottomConnection() != nil && bottomLeft.getTopConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting topLeft with bottomLeft segment vertically", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topLeft.getBottomConnection()!, toBase: bottomLeft.getTopConnection()!))
if (topRight.getBottomConnection() != nil && bottomRight.getTopConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting topRight with bottomRight segment vertically", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topRight.getBottomConnection()!, toBase: bottomRight.getTopConnection()!))
os_log("Connecting base p2 and start bases", log: LOG, type: .info)
basePlayerTwo.adjacencyList.append(contentsOf: p2StartBases.values)
p2StartBases.values.forEach({base in base.adjacencyList.append(basePlayerTwo)})
if (p2StartBases["top"] != nil && topRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase top with topRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p2StartBases["top"]!, toBase: topRight.getRightConnection()!))
if (p2StartBases["mid"] != nil) {
if (topRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase mid with topRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topRight.getRightConnection()!, toBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!))
if (bottomRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase mid with bottomRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!, toBase: bottomRight.getRightConnection()!))
if (p2StartBases["bot"] != nil && bottomRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase bot with bottomRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p2StartBases["bot"]!, toBase: bottomRight.getRightConnection()!))
// Add all bases to the scene
p1StartBases.forEach({(key, base) in entityManager.add(base)})
topLeft.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
topRight.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
bottomLeft.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
bottomRight.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
p2StartBases.forEach({(key, base) in entityManager.add(base)})
ways.forEach({way in entityManager.add(way)})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// MapUtils.swift
// GoldWars
// Created by Marcel Schwarz on 29.05.20.
// Copyright © 2020 SP2. All rights reserved.
import GameKit
import os
protocol CenterElementProtocol {
var bases: [Base] {get set}
var ways: [Way] {get set}
var id: Int { get }
init(frame: CGRect)
func getAllBases() -> [Base]
func getInternalWays() -> [Way]
func getTopConnection() -> Base?
func getRightConnection() -> Base?
func getBottomConnection() -> Base?
func getLeftConnection() -> Base?
struct MapGenerationModel: Codable {
let numBasesP1: Int
let numBasesP2: Int
let topLeftId: Int
let topRightId: Int
let bottomLeftId: Int
let bottomRightId: Int
class CenterElementProvider {
static let LOG = OSLog.init(subsystem: "MapGenerator", category: "CenterElementProvider")
static let centerElements: [CenterElementProtocol.Type] = [
static func get(inFrame frame: CGRect, withId id: Int) -> CenterElementProtocol {
os_log("Getting new predifined center element from provider", log: LOG, type: .info)
return centerElements[id].init(frame: frame)
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
// TwoPlayerMapGenerator.swift
// GoldWars
// Created by Marcel Schwarz on 13.05.20.
// Copyright © 2020 SP2. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SpriteKit
import GameKit
import os
struct MapGenerationModel: Codable {
let numBasesP1: Int
let numBasesP2: Int
let topLeftId: Int
let topRightId: Int
let bottomLeftId: Int
let bottomRightId: Int
class TwoPlayerMapGenerator {
let LOG = OSLog.init(subsystem: "MapGenerator", category: "TwoPlayerMapGenerator")
var size: CGSize!
var entityManager: EntityManager!
static func getNewMapModel() -> MapGenerationModel {
let noOfCElements = CenterElementProvider.centerElements.count - 1
return MapGenerationModel(
numBasesP1: Int.random(in: 1...3),
numBasesP2: Int.random(in: 1...3),
topLeftId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements),
topRightId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements),
bottomLeftId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements),
bottomRightId: Int.random(in: 0...noOfCElements)
required init(scene: SKScene, entityManager: EntityManager) {
self.size = scene.size
self.entityManager = entityManager
func load(withModel mapModel: MapGenerationModel) {
os_log("Loading from TwoPlayerMapFactory", log: LOG, type: .info)
// Generate bases structure
os_log("Get player one base", log: LOG, type: .info)
let basePlayerOne = Base(
position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.07, y: self.size.height / 2),
player: (GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.isServer) ? GKLocalPlayer.local : GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.myMatch?.players[0],
team: .team1
os_log("Get player one's startbases", log: LOG, type: .info)
var p1StartBases = [String: Base]()
var ways = [Way]()
if (mapModel.numBasesP1 == 1) {
p1StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!))
} else if (mapModel.numBasesP1 == 2) {
p1StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.333))
p1StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.666))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["bot"]!))
} else {
p1StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.25))
p1StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
p1StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.2, y: self.size.height * 0.75))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerOne, toBase: p1StartBases["bot"]!))
os_log("Generate Map center", log: LOG, type: .info)
let gridCellWidth = self.size.width * 0.2
let gridCellHeight = self.size.height * 0.4
let cellInsetX = CGFloat(self.size.width * 0.05)
let cellInsetY = CGFloat(self.size.height * 0.07)
let gridTopLeft = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.3,
y: self.size.height * 0.1,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let gridTopRight = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.5,
y: self.size.height * 0.1,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let gridBottomLeft = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.3,
y: self.size.height * 0.5,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let gridBottomRight = CGRect(
x: self.size.width * 0.5,
y: self.size.height * 0.5,
width: gridCellWidth,
height: gridCellHeight
).insetBy(dx: cellInsetX, dy: cellInsetY)
let topLeft = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridTopLeft, withId: mapModel.topLeftId)
let topRight = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridTopRight, withId: mapModel.topRightId)
let bottomLeft = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridBottomLeft, withId: mapModel.bottomLeftId)
let bottomRight = CenterElementProvider.get(inFrame: gridBottomRight, withId: mapModel.bottomRightId)
ways.append(contentsOf: topLeft.getInternalWays())
ways.append(contentsOf: topRight.getInternalWays())
ways.append(contentsOf: bottomLeft.getInternalWays())
ways.append(contentsOf: bottomRight.getInternalWays())
os_log("Get player two base", log: LOG, type: .info)
let basePlayerTwo = Base(
position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.93, y: self.size.height / 2),
player: (!GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.isServer) ? GKLocalPlayer.local : GameCenterManager.sharedInstance.myMatch?.players[0],
team: .team2
os_log("Get player two's startbases", log: LOG, type: .info)
var p2StartBases = [String: Base]()
if (mapModel.numBasesP2 == 1) {
p2StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!))
} else if (mapModel.numBasesP2 == 2) {
p2StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.333))
p2StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.666))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["bot"]!))
} else {
p2StartBases["top"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.25))
p2StartBases["mid"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.5))
p2StartBases["bot"] = Base(position: CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.8, y: self.size.height * 0.75))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["top"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!))
ways.append(Way(fromBase: basePlayerTwo, toBase: p2StartBases["bot"]!))
// Create adjacency mapping
os_log("Connecting base p1 and start bases", log: LOG, type: .info)
basePlayerOne.adjacencyList.append(contentsOf: p1StartBases.values)
p1StartBases.values.forEach({base in base.adjacencyList.append(basePlayerOne)})
if (p1StartBases["top"] != nil && topLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase top with topLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["top"]!, toBase: topLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (p1StartBases["mid"] != nil) {
if (topLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase mid with topLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!, toBase: topLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (bottomLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase mid with bottomLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["mid"]!, toBase: bottomLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (p1StartBases["bot"] != nil && bottomLeft.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p1 startbase bot with bottomLeft segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p1StartBases["bot"]!, toBase: bottomLeft.getLeftConnection()!))
if (topLeft.getRightConnection() != nil && topRight.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting topLeft with topRight segment horizontally", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topLeft.getRightConnection()!, toBase: topRight.getLeftConnection()!))
if (bottomLeft.getRightConnection() != nil && bottomRight.getLeftConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting bottomLeft with bottomRight segment horizontally", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: bottomLeft.getRightConnection()!, toBase: bottomRight.getLeftConnection()!))
if (topLeft.getBottomConnection() != nil && bottomLeft.getTopConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting topLeft with bottomLeft segment vertically", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topLeft.getBottomConnection()!, toBase: bottomLeft.getTopConnection()!))
if (topRight.getBottomConnection() != nil && bottomRight.getTopConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting topRight with bottomRight segment vertically", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topRight.getBottomConnection()!, toBase: bottomRight.getTopConnection()!))
os_log("Connecting base p2 and start bases", log: LOG, type: .info)
basePlayerTwo.adjacencyList.append(contentsOf: p2StartBases.values)
p2StartBases.values.forEach({base in base.adjacencyList.append(basePlayerTwo)})
if (p2StartBases["top"] != nil && topRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase top with topRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p2StartBases["top"]!, toBase: topRight.getRightConnection()!))
if (p2StartBases["mid"] != nil) {
if (topRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase mid with topRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: topRight.getRightConnection()!, toBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!))
if (bottomRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase mid with bottomRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p2StartBases["mid"]!, toBase: bottomRight.getRightConnection()!))
if (p2StartBases["bot"] != nil && bottomRight.getRightConnection() != nil) {
os_log("Connecting p2 startbase bot with bottomRight segment", log: LOG, type: .info)
ways.append(Way(fromBase: p2StartBases["bot"]!, toBase: bottomRight.getRightConnection()!))
// Add all bases to the scene
p1StartBases.forEach({(key, base) in entityManager.add(base)})
topLeft.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
topRight.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
bottomLeft.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
bottomRight.getAllBases().forEach({base in entityManager.add(base)})
p2StartBases.forEach({(key, base) in entityManager.add(base)})
ways.forEach({way in entityManager.add(way)})
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class GameScene: SKScene{
entityManager.add(HUD(size: self.size))
entityManager.add(Background(size: self.size))
if CommandLine.arguments.contains("--no-matchmaking") {
_ = MapFactory(scene: self, entityManager: entityManager).loadMap()
_ = MapFactory(scene: self, entityManager: entityManager).load()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user