## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 localhost" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:04 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:07 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t ftp localhost:21" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:09 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:21" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:11 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t smtp localhost:465" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:13 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t smtp localhost:587" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:15 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( --  Oops: STARTTLS handshake failed (code: 1) Fatal error: repeated STARTTLS problems, giving up (1) ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:465" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:17 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:587" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:19 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- doesn't seem to be a TLS/SSL enabled server  The results might look ok but they could be nonsense. Really proceed ? ("yes" to continue) -->  ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t pop3 localhost:110" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:35 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t pop3 localhost:995" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:37 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:110" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:40 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:995" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:42 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t imap localhost:993" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:44 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:993" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:46 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t postgres localhost:5432" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:48 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:5432" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:50 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- Oops: TCP connect problem Unable to open a socket to  Fatal error: Can't connect to "" Make sure a firewall is not between you and your scanning target! ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 -t mysql localhost:3306" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:56:52 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( --  Testing with localhost:3306 only worked using timeout --preserve-status 10 ./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64.  Test results may be somewhat better if the --ssl-native option is used.  Type "yes" to proceed and accept false negatives or positives -->  ## Scan started as: "testssl.sh --logfile ../outputs/testssl-3.log --append --connect-timeout 10 --openssl-timeout 10 --ssl-native localhost:3306" ## at ubuntu20041:./bin/openssl.Linux.x86_64 ## version testssl: 3.1dev 477bd13 from 2021-01-07 ## version openssl: "1.0.2-chacha" from "Jan 18 17:12:17 2019")  Start 2021-01-07 20:57:10 -->> (localhost) <<-- A record via: /etc/hosts rDNS ( -- doesn't seem to be a TLS/SSL enabled server  The results might look ok but they could be nonsense. Really proceed ? ("yes" to continue) -->