const aufgabe2 = () => { const markerIcons = { food: L.icon({ iconUrl: 'markers/food.png', iconSize: [50, 50], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [20, 50], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [3, -50] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }), culture: L.icon({ iconUrl: 'markers/museum.png', iconSize: [50, 50], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [20, 50], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [3, -50] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }), nature: L.icon({ iconUrl: 'markers/nature.png', iconSize: [40, 48], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [20, 56], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [3, -50] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }), train: L.icon({ iconUrl: 'markers/train.png', iconSize: [60, 60], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [25, 55], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [3, -45] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }) } map ='poiMap').setView([48.779694, 9.177015], 14); map.addLayer(new L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'Map data OpenStreetMap contributors', minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 18 })) const foodLayer = L.layerGroup([ L.marker([48.780980, 9.169636], {icon:}).bindPopup("Essen und Trinken
Mensa Stuttgart"), L.marker([48.778051, 9.176946], {icon:}).bindPopup("Essen und Trinken
Ochs'n Willi"), L.marker([48.779674, 9.178160], {icon:}).bindPopup("Essen und Trinken
Königsbau Passagen"), L.marker([48.780378, 9.172597], {icon:}).bindPopup("Essen und Trinken
HFT Block 4") ]) const cultureLayer = L.layerGroup([ L.marker([48.788165, 9.233864], {icon: markerIcons.culture}).bindPopup("Kunst und Kultur
Mercedes-Benz Museum"), L.marker([48.793296, 9.228010], {icon: markerIcons.culture}).bindPopup("Kunst und Kultur
Porsche Arena"), L.marker([48.834270, 9.152479], {icon: markerIcons.culture}).bindPopup("Kunst und Kultur
Porsche Museum"), L.marker([48.755866, 9.190109], {icon: markerIcons.culture}).bindPopup("Kunst und Kultur
Fernsehturm"), L.marker([48.780149, 9.186586], {icon: markerIcons.culture}).bindPopup("Kunst und Kultur
Staatsgalerie"), L.marker([48.786550, 9.084028], {icon: markerIcons.culture}).bindPopup("Kunst und Kultur
Schloss Solitude") ]) const natureLayer = L.layerGroup([ L.marker([48.804148, 9.208100], {icon: markerIcons.nature}).bindPopup("Natur
Wilhelma"), L.marker([48.782037, 9.268643], {icon: markerIcons.nature}).bindPopup("Natur
Grabkapelle auf dem Württemberg"), L.marker([48.785969, 9.187023], {icon: markerIcons.nature}).bindPopup("Natur
Schlossgarten"), L.marker([48.818362, 9.184177], {icon: markerIcons.nature}).bindPopup("Natur
Aussichtspunkt Burgholzhof") ]) const trainLayer = L.layerGroup([ L.marker([48.777440, 9.173764], {icon: markerIcons.train}).bindPopup("ÖPNV
Rotebühlplatz"), L.marker([48.784760, 9.182898], {icon: markerIcons.train}).bindPopup("ÖPNV
Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof"), L.marker([48.780173, 9.177220], {icon: markerIcons.train}).bindPopup("ÖPNV
Börsenplatz"), L.marker([48.755939, 9.142164], {icon: markerIcons.train}).bindPopup("ÖPNV
Seilbahn"), L.marker([48.764290, 9.168611], {icon: markerIcons.train}).bindPopup("ÖPNV
Zahnradbahn"), ]) map.addLayer(foodLayer) map.addLayer(cultureLayer) map.addLayer(natureLayer) map.addLayer(trainLayer) const overlayMaps = { 'Essen und Trinken': foodLayer, 'Kunst und Kultur': cultureLayer, 'Natur': natureLayer, 'ÖPNV': trainLayer } L.control.layers(null, overlayMaps).addTo(map) } aufgabe2()