var cpuList; var currentCpu; var nextCpu; async function main() { await fetch('./data.json') .then((response) => response.json()) .then((json) => cpuList = json); updateLayout(); } function getRandomCpu() { let randomIndex = getRandomInt(0, cpuList.length) return { name: cpuList[randomIndex]["name"].split('@')[0], score: cpuList[randomIndex]["cpuScore"] } } function btnLowerClick() { if (currentCpu.score < nextCpu.score) { showResult(true); return; } showResult(false); } function btnHigherClick() { } function showResult(isCorrect) { if (isCorrect) { document.getElementById("col2").style.backgroundColor = "lightgreen"; } else { document.getElementById("col2").style.backgroundColor = "#FF4444"; } } function updateLayout() { currentCpu = getRandomCpu(); document.getElementById("currentCpuTitle").innerText =; // add "." to large numbers document.getElementById("currentCpuScore").innerText = currentCpu.score.toString().length > 3 ? currentCpu.score.toString().slice(0, currentCpu.score.toString().length - 3) + "." + currentCpu.score.toString().slice(currentCpu.score.toString().length - 3) : currentCpu.score; nextCpu = getRandomCpu(); document.getElementById("nextCpuTitle").innerText =; } function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); // The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive } main();