import { CountUp } from ""; var cpuList; var currentCpu; var nextCpu; // current user score var score; export async function main() { await fetch('./data.json') .then((response) => response.json()) .then((json) => cpuList = json); currentCpu = getRandomCpu(); nextCpu = getRandomCpu(); score = 0; updateLayout(); } function getRandomCpu() { let randomIndex = getRandomInt(0, cpuList.length) return { name: cpuList[randomIndex]["name"].split('@')[0], score: cpuList[randomIndex]["cpuScore"] } } export function btnLowerClick() { nextCpu.score < currentCpu.score ? showResult(true) : showResult(false); } export function btnHigherClick() { nextCpu.score > currentCpu.score ? showResult(true) : showResult(false); } function showResult(isCorrect) { document.getElementById("btnHigher").setAttribute("disabled", ""); document.getElementById("btnLower").setAttribute("disabled", ""); document.getElementById("col2").style.backgroundColor = isCorrect ? "lightgreen" : "#FF4444"; score = isCorrect ? score + 1 : 0; document.getElementById("score").innerText = score; countUp(); } // updates view based on the cpu objects function updateLayout() { document.getElementById("currentCpuTitle").innerText =; // add "." to large numbers document.getElementById("currentCpuScore").innerText = new Intl.NumberFormat().format(currentCpu.score) document.getElementById("nextCpuTitle").innerText =; document.getElementById("nextCpuScore").innerText = "?"; document.getElementById("col2").style.backgroundColor = ""; } function delay(time) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)); } async function countUp() { const options = { startVal: nextCpu.score / 2, separator: '.', decimal: ',', duration: 2 }; let counter = new CountUp('nextCpuScore', nextCpu.score, options); if (!counter.error) { counter.start(); } else { counter.error(demo.error); } await delay(2500) nextRound(); document.getElementById("btnHigher").removeAttribute("disabled"); document.getElementById("btnLower").removeAttribute("disabled"); } function nextRound() { currentCpu = nextCpu; nextCpu = getRandomCpu(); updateLayout(); } function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); // The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive }